Michael Faraday

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Size: 18 cm

Bust color: Copper

Sold out

Plinth color: Gray Marble


A traditional-style bust of Michael Faraday on a plinth pedestal. The plinth's front has a large name plate.

The bust and plinth are 3d-printed separately in different colors, using environmentally friendly bio-plastic.

Original Artwork by Thijs DeVries from Devriesarts.com

18 cm

  • Height: 18 cm (bust 12 + plinth 6)
  • Width: 9 cm
  • Depth: 8-9 cm
  • Weight: around 85 grams

Bust color:

Copper-like color with high sheen

Plinth color:
Gray Marble

Gray marble-like, matte

Text plate:
Michael Faraday

A plinth pedestal with the text:


Michael Faraday was a renowned 19th-century English scientist known for his groundbreaking work in electromagnetism and electrochemistry. He made significant contributions with his discovery of electromagnetic induction, which laid the foundation for the generation of electricity. Faraday also introduced concepts such as the Faraday cage and Faraday's laws of electrolysis. Despite having little formal education, he was an excellent experimentalist whose lectures and discoveries greatly influenced the field of science. His work helped pave the way for the practical applications of electricity, transforming the modern world.

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